Each week we publish A Rainmaker Moment with the objective of providing fresh ideas, tips and techniques to help you grow your firm, your practice, and yourself. We recognize that due to busy schedules and other demands, you may miss an article from time-to-time. To help ensure you don’t miss what resonated most with readers, we have compiled the following list of the top 10 most viewed articles in 2018. Enjoy!
- Anatomy of a Growth Goal
- Staffing a Firm in Today’s Gig Economy
- Creating Powerful Game-Changing Habits
- Power Up Your Productivity and Profitability
- Avoiding Failure to Launch: How to Successfully Implement Change at Your Firm
- Winning More Engagements by Improving Your Prospect Call and Proposal Letter
- Why Partners Don’t Do What They Say They Will Do – The Proverbial Partner Wheel
- Defining Your Ideal Client Profile
- ME Inc.: Personal Branding Beyond the Baseline
- Are You a Stress “Carrier?”
Of course, you can always visit our blog to browse all current and past articles. Please also share this information with others who may find it valuable and encourage them to subscribe. If you have ideas or feedback for A Rainmaker Moment, or if we can help you with your plans to grow your firm, grow your practice, or grow yourself in the new year, we would love to hear from you.
Best wishes from The Rainmaker Companies for a happy and prosperous 2019!