Client Loyalty and Win-Loss Reviews

The “voice of the client” is perhaps the most compelling driver of impactful change in an organization’s growth culture. When a firm hears directly from its clients and prospects what it is doing well – and not so well – during the sales process, it can be a very eye-opening experience. Firms often find that the key issues they thought were at play during a pursuit were actually not the most important factors in the decision process.


Win-Loss Reviews

Win/Loss Reviews will eliminate the guesswork and put the client’s most important decision-making factors front-and-center so that you can focus on continuous improvement. Rainmaker will conduct reviews of selected pursuits to gather and analyze client insights, then present them in a way that will help improve your win rate, shorten the selling cycle, increase deal sizes, and strengthen your brand.

Our approach has proven to be a very effective means of providing what you need to know about leading and lagging pursuit efforts across the firm, thus helping take informed action to drive more wins.

  • Set Up the Process – We will guide the firm in identifying selected pursuits for review and communicating internally about the process. We then connect with relationship leaders to obtain perspective on reasons for win/loss and client contact information. Relationship leaders make introductory contact with clients, requesting their participation in the reviews.
  • Conduct the Interviews – We set up interviews with client contacts and conduct interviews with them to capture the “voice of the client.” We then prepare written reports with key observations, relevant client quotes, and our recommendations.
  • Report & Debrief the Results – We will review the reports and our recommendations with designated firm leaders, then offer a coaching call with each relationship leader and pursuit team to debrief each Win-Loss Review.


Our Win-Loss Reviews typically cover the following areas. We will work with you to tailor this as needed to ensure the process covers the information and insight you need.

  • Client Situation and Background
  • What Prompted the Opportunity
  • Decision Process and Criteria
  • Competitive Landscape
  • What Resonated During the Pursuit
  • What Could Have Been Improved
  • Reasons for Loss / Win
  • Future Potential / Recommendations


Client firms may select a representative number of Win/Loss Reviews to provide a snapshot of recent pursuit performance. These selections usually include a representative sampling of strategic segments (i.e., some combination of industry, service, and/or geography).

To gain the most value from a Win-Loss program over time, firms may also consider a sustained program in which Rainmaker will systematically conduct Win/Loss Reviews for completed pursuits with its most significant, highest-potential targets. In these arrangements, Rainmaker will develop and maintain a “Voice of the Client Dashboard” that illustrates key performance indicators and trends identified in the Win-Loss Reviews.


Client Loyalty Reviews

Rainmaker’s Client Loyalty Development process includes a comprehensive study of your accounting firm’s client base. Tailored around your firm’s unique needs, our Client Loyalty Survey provides insight into your clients’ perception of your firm, including, but not limited to: image, responsiveness, billing and pricing issues, competitive position, service quality, overall value provided, and anticipated future service needs.

It is what we do with the data that defines our Client Loyalty Development process. Once the data is collected and analyzed, we focus on applying that data to drive necessary change to strengthen your client relationships. Our Client Loyalty Development service regularly identifies at-risk clients, providing firms a chance to proactively turn troubled relationships around.


  • “The Rainmaker Companies have been an integral part of our success. Their knowledge and understanding of our industry and of our company have made it so that we can bring the business to the next level.”

    Frank Rowella, Managing Partner

    Reynolds + Rowella

    “Through the Strategic Growth Advisor relationship, Rainmaker has been a tremendous resource to us by helping us focus our efforts on the deliverables that we wanted.”

    Terry Mitchell, Principal

    Jackson Thornton

    “Rainmaker has provided us with valuable tools and advice that help keep us moving in the right direction. They have helped us focus on our business strategy, build a growth plan that supports it, and implement our plan so we’re actively pursuing growth and change.”

    Gary Hawkins, Chairman of the Board

    HSMC Orizon